my life from day to day. it will be very bland I'm sure?

Sunday, February 09, 2003

Fence posts, wrong turns, big ugly labor of love and mutilated gums
The fence posts are up! hurray! plenty of digging and leveling and cement mixin' . they're up. that was one accomplishment of the weekend. Today I drove a limo. I got to drive Marshall Goldsmith to the airport. He is a great guy. He gave me tips for the upcoming personal show which will be listed publicly on the stock market this valentines day. His daughter (kelly) was on survivor africa and he is one of the top paid executive coaches in the USA and perhaps the world. So that was fun. After that run I was sent to Irvine to bring a customer to LAX. I was told to head back down 55 south to catch the 405 and then go north to LAX. I accidently got on the five and figured I would see the 405 north turn off from there too. Wrong answer...I drove way too far south when my customer suggetsted I turn around. Luckily we got to the airport on time. I think I was almost in laguna when I turned around. If you wanna see how big an idiot I am, look at a map of southern california. Anywho, The passenger took it really well. I'm glad that people from Dublin, Ireland know their way around the highways better than I do. That makes me feel like a genius.
Today I removed the giant box I kept my printer in and replaced it with a silk scarf for a dustcover. I worked on the giant ugly box for weeks so that Irene's desk would be less cluttered . in the end she found it ugly, bulky and inconvenient. now I know how my dad felt when he worked so hard on so many projects and my step mom Marylu tore his heart out by making fun of them. Granted my father has made some ugly awkward stuff in the past but until tonight, I never understood why he seemed offended by her comments which were simply "the truth". Now I know that when you build something for weeks and put a finish on it etc. it's not just a woodworking project. for us guys, it's the embodiment of our love and consideration for our girl. Even if it's ugly and it sucks. Ladies, please be kind if you get any home made gifts for valentines day.
in other news I had a tooth prepared for a crown on fiday and I think that the jangled nerves in this rotten cracked tooth may have contibuted to my headaches and generally miserable demeanor for the past year. I was hoping to gage how bad I felt after they got it cleaned up but an overzealous hygenist cut my gums open like a blooming onion before they took a mold of the base for the crown. they wanted to seperate my gum from my tooth. The dentist wasn't there to supervise and she went psycho on my damn gums. I was like ,"ah hurf lah heyow!!!". "that hurts like hell?", she asked? "yeah", I said. but she kept at it and then let me sit there for twenty minutes waiting for the impression. I left the office in a daze after athree hour stint in the chair. The last hour was the worst. the novacaine had worn off and it was the most brutal treatment I was ever put through in a dentist office. She wasn't even a dentist. So.... to make a long story short, I may be better off with a new crown but I can't tell if I feel better because my scabby shredded bleeding gums have been throbbing since friday. I hope you all had a good weekend too.


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