my life from day to day. it will be very bland I'm sure?

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Wow, another year went by. blammo! the trip to italy was cool last year but I will post the journal of that whole ordeal as my next post. the year was intersting. I was fired from my crummy job. then I crashed a limo and was fired from a crummier job then I was unemployed for 8 frickin months! then I had the root of the tooth i was talking about removed and my health improved drastically. now I work as a draftsman for a fiberglass fabricator and i have a commute but my boss is cool and the work is USUALLY low stress. Things are pretty good between irene and I we invested in a bunch of oil drilling projects with my friend dangerous dan's family who has a drilling company. oh yah I imported a bunch of saxophones from china and sold most of them on ebay but one lady got one and wrecked it then sent it back and charged me via paypal so I'm fighting it. i have ordered a baritone horn from china now and a bucnh of bongos because I met a tuba player up the street and he will teach me how to play it. we are going sailing on saturday with derek another new friend from this past year. He's okay as friends go but california is kind of a wierd place to hope you'll meet a real good friend. I should count my blessings for all the things I have and all the love and goodness in my life. I'm very lucky. one of our friends died recently. you never know how much time you have. that's about everything that happened this year. oh yah we went to a christmas party in LA that was really cool with darryl blease. we met his band mates from "long distance call" and it was at a nice house with a nice family and a bunch of hip good looking young people. I said it was like an ad for old navy. anywho seeya next year!!!! maybe I will write again before the new year maybe not