See!! here's another one. man! that aint right.Okay, i have to stop this. I really don't even care about the unfairness in sports and attempting daily posts really isn't my style. you know what, if i have nothing to say, I won't post anymore. if you have your blog linked to mine and expect me to update, take a hike, nobody is supposed to read this stuff anyway. take your stupid link and your foofy audience and stick em. thanks for the thought but i don't need your stinking pity link pal. i'm pissed off. you're a jerk for giving me a link. Peace out
Er...... hello? Is this thing on? *tap tap*
How about some more positive words on here? I read this stuff. lol
Mon Dec 05, 09:14:00 AM
I'll take it down. Any kid yet?!!
Tue Dec 06, 06:07:00 AM
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