my life from day to day. it will be very bland I'm sure?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

This is my workstation, I sit on a big blue ball. I have some jammin Bose speakers too. I covered the name Bose with electrical tape so nobody steals them.The ball has helped with my hand problem, maybe through better posture. my hands hurt when I type. my fingers ache and sting. I don't think it's carpal tunnel but it really sucks. I wish I knew how to deal with it. I use two mice to draw. one to drag and one to click and scroll and I always alternate functions.
everything is so mellow right now. I'm on hold, waiting for the baby to come. it's like time is standing still. I'm so scared that I won't be able to handle all the additional responsibilities that come with the baby. we have three adults ready to take on the challenge. i hope it's enough. work is so slow, I just have to keep a drawing up and smile when visitors come to tour the shop. I try to look intently at the screen and move around consulting the papers on my desk like I'm doing something really hard. I have many items up for sale on ebay. sometimes I check to see if I have any bites. you can find my auctions there by looking up chinasax. that was my ebay name when I sold saxophones from china. This blog is a blessing right now as I watch the homeless parade their shopping carts across the intersection on this beautiful clear day. I wish I was out there. breathing some fresh exhaust on my way to take a nap in the park. ahhhhh freedom. let it ring!....hello? "yes this is freedom mortgage calling about your current home loan with wasington mutual. could i ask ytou your current rate?"...everybody on the planet knows how much i owe to who, why don't they all know my rate? and blood type and mothers maiden name for that matter? Ii bet they do but they don't let on. anyway, I'm suddenly flooded with real work. I gotta go....


Blogger T. Leach said...

Yeah, so do I. Two big blue balls.

Wed Nov 30, 07:35:00 AM


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