my life from day to day. it will be very bland I'm sure?

Friday, November 11, 2005

Okay, where were we? damn! another year went by? holy crap!. we should call this the yearly procrastinator. uh hmmmm lets' see, i'm still fabricating fiberglass. actual making drawings of duct and tanks. i quit for a while but I hated my new job so my old boss hired me back. he's pretty cool.
my wife got pregnant and we're having a baby this month. my teeth are all fixed my health is on track I feel i zillion times better than I did in recent years. no pain realy no headaches. my mother in law moved in. she's been with a us a week. she's from china and ruins everything she touches. we have to be understanding though because until you wreck one of everything you touch, you can never learn to be careful. When you are raised in china the government must give you two of everything. you are required to wreck the first one then you take care of the second thing with full hands on knowledge of how it could be wrecked. That's my take on it. She will be really helpful hen the baby comes (or maybe the second baby). It's okay if she ruins a set of nonstick pans or a vcr. after all, what does a week of child care cost? way more than either of those items. After she destroys everything, we can live in a stark concrete bunker of a house with nothing left to ruin and we're home free. we'll just stock up on plastic untensils and paper plates. what else do we need? all I need is the love of my shivering bedraggled impoverished family snuggled together for warmth in our bombed out demolished house. That's what it's all about. Wow, this blogging stuff makes you feel great. Baby Jasmine is on her way and I got a free totsites website to show off her pictures . i will link to it later after she is born and has pictures. nothing esle to report really. i gave up on the chinese saxes and got a real selmer horn that is awesome. if you play an instrument, spend all the money you can and get the best one you can find at any cost. you'll never regret it. Okay, seeya next year!!!


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