my life from day to day. it will be very bland I'm sure?

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

okay, in true procrastinator fashion, i's been a couple days since I posted. I found out a have link from my friend's blog so I am now required to put something entertaining here. being devoid of any real excitement in my life, I will make somethng up. something juicy, something personal and something a reader may be able to relate to. Let's talk about EAR HAIR!!! when I was younger and even more foolish I used to try to tell my 40 something friend that he would get more chicks if he would get rid of his bushy ear hair. he never responded to my comments. it was like they never came out of my mouth. i was like, "hello, hello check 1..2..3.. is this thing on?". fast forward 10 yearsssssswooooooosh! here we are in the present. I now have ear hair. I realize that it is more aggressive and persistant than I had imagined earlier. So, Lets' talk about the treatment options for someone thus stricken. 1) you could trim it when you get your haircut but then you have bristly pom pom ear tufts that are somehow dumber than the orginal article. furthermore the shorter hairs make the second two options more difficult and less effective. I often feel the barber nuzzling the trimmers in there to gently hint that I ought to do something. it's not like they are really trying to remedy the problem or do a thorough job, they just want to point it out without saying anything.I bat them away because they are shortening the hairs beyond my ability to grip them (covered in the next two options) and they just give me a dirty look like i'm in denial or they wonder why I am coveting my ear hair 2) nair and other de-pilliatory chemical agents. turn the hair to mush that can be wiped out but the wiriest and bristliest of these hairs remain behind like oak stumps in your ear's front yard. now the shortened stumps are harder to grip with needle nose pliers. the chemicals make your ears sting and the consequent ripping makes for an even more sensitive situation. 3) no chemicals no trimming simply grip the hairs and rip them out. if you are lucky you may develop a nervous habit of ripping out your ear hair . sure, this option hurts but no more than the burning chemicals followed by ripping. I would like to develop some optimally grippy pliers for this task. regualr needle nose don't grip well enough and often only take the thickest hair. the unyielding jaws are held open to the width of the biggest hairs much like big john in the coal mine and all the little hairs escape. I a little rubber padding might even the playing field little. 4) the 4th and most obvious option is to do nothing. just admit you are almost 40 and this is part of your beautiful mature body. hair on back or "hob" is imminently approaching. I should revel in the fact that I'm becoming a silver back! I should be proud that I have survived this long. The point of all this is to request some sympathy or at least awareness of the dillemas that the hairy eared man faces in our society. I have been enjoying option 3 lately and it seems to be working. I'll start working on those pliers. first I need a catchy name. Ear clear? grip N rip? your comments are welcome...


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