my life from day to day. it will be very bland I'm sure?

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I read my last post. it was six years ago! how's that for procrastination? I was surprised this blog still existed out here in cyberspace. I sold my plasma cutter last week. I never used it much but I loved having it. I needed to buy some Gage's for backflow testing. my new life in water is starting now.

Monday, October 05, 2009

what a day

well, in true procrastinator fashion, I let a few years slip past. I have a son now. he's 9 months old and Got another job than i had in the last post but it slipped away and I'm unemployed. the world is hellish and depressed but I feel happy. I'm getting my plasma cutter tomorrow. yeah!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

todays letter to home guys are a huge company. why does your website suck? it's useless. I typed "siding" into the search bar and it returned two hammers and two nail guns and asked me if i meant to type "sliding". what do you think i was looking for? is there a genius available that wants to take a stab at it? how about siding? corrugated steel maybe? corrugated brings up nothing. seriously what excuse do you have for such a horrible horrible useless website? Here's a rhyme for you...your site blows, I'm going to lowe's.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

my arm hurts

I feel like posting something intriguing but i have a problem with my arm and elbow. it hurts my fingers whenI type. stand by . i'll write something a little later...

Friday, December 02, 2005

See!! here's another one. man! that aint right.Okay, i have to stop this. I really don't even care about the unfairness in sports and attempting daily posts really isn't my style. you know what, if i have nothing to say, I won't post anymore. if you have your blog linked to mine and expect me to update, take a hike, nobody is supposed to read this stuff anyway. take your stupid link and your foofy audience and stick em. thanks for the thought but i don't need your stinking pity link pal. i'm pissed off. you're a jerk for giving me a link. Peace out

how can this really be a sport? is this even fair? they should split htis up into height classes like they do with boxing and the weight. i'm not into sports really but it seems to make sense in my opinion.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hablo ethpanol?

i've been working in a fiberglass shop in southern california for over a year now and today I was thinking about learning spanish. That got me to thinking about accents and dialects and a trip i took a few years back to Argentina. I went to beunos aires on short notice and tried to learn spanish on the ride down. i did pretty good. one thing that struck me funny was that they pronounced a lot of words with etheth in them ath if they had a lithp. it was because thome king way back had a lithp and tho he made hith whole country thay things the way he did. ithn't that thtupid? like if he had a bum leg , all hith people would have to limp. what a thtinking jack ath he muthta been.

dreams of the homeful

I miss my old brick bus. yesterday i saw a cool solution for the truck owner. the "solution" I speak of is the ability to feel the freedom of a homeless person by taking naps anywhere you can drive to. the bus wasn't much of a vehicle for california freeways with a top speed of 50 mph downhill with a tail wind but it was the BEST place to nap once you came to that breezy beachside or campground. anyway, there's a company called flip pac that is awesome if you own a truck. I think I might get one.Go check it out and if you get one, tell them scott lane sent you! maybe they'll cut me a deal. The baby is five days late now. that's my kid allright! I expect her to be completely unprepared when she shows up too!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

self portrait in dirty mirror

well, the holiday weekend came and went and as you can see from this remarkable self portrait in a dirty mirror, I'm still not a dad and Irene has not mastered digital photography. Maybe she'll have some time to perfect her art while we wait for the baby to come along. Posted by Picasa